From The Neolithic To The Sea: A Journey From The Past To The Present

Brodsworth Hall

South Yorkshire
53° 33′ 27.36″ N 1° 14′ 15.36″ W

  • History
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Brodsworth Hall is located near Brodsworth, five miles from Doncasted, South Yorkshire.

In 1713, Sir John Wentworth sold the Brodsworth estate to George Henry Hay, 8th Earl of Kinnoull who then rebuilt the house in the Georgian style. George then lost his money in the South Sea Bubble crash of 1720 and was obliged to take the position of Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. His second son Robert, later Archbishop of York, took up residence on the estate instead and made a number of improvements to the house and grounds. On his death in 1777, the house was left empty, and, after his eldest son became the 10th Earl of Kinnoull in 1787, he sold the estate in 1790 to Peter Thellusson of the Swiss banking family.

Peter Thellusson had come from Geneva and settled in England, becoming a director of the Bank of England andwas also a tobacco and sugar importer. He wrote an unusual will, unsuccessfully challenged by his family in the Thellusson Will Case, whereby his fortune was put in trust to be untouched for three generations. One of the two eventual beneficiaries was his great-grandson Charles Sabine Augustus Thellusson, the other was the 5th Baron Rendlesham who in 1859, inherited half the bequest plus the Brodsworth estate.

He demolished the existing house and had the present one built, in 1861. He was appointed High Sheriff of Yorkshire for a year in 1866. He and his wife Georgiana left four sons, all of whom died childless, and the house therefore passed to each son in turn. The third son, Charles Thellusson, leased the mineral rights to the Brodsworth Colliery Company and also rented them the land for the construction of Woodlands model village to accommodate the miners. In addition he paid for the construction of All Saints Church (1913) for the village.

After the First World War, spiralling costs resulted in the owners closing off parts of the house. On the death of the youngest son, Augustus Thellusson, in 1931, the house passed to his nephew, Captain Charles Grant-Dalton

The last resident of the house was Sylvia Grant-Dalton, who fought a losing battle for 57 years against leaking roofs on the mansion and land subsidence from nearby coal mining. After her death in 1988, Her daughter, Pamela Williams, gave the Hall and gardens to English Heritage in 1990. The contents of the house were purchased by the National Heritage Memorial Fund and transferred to the ownership of English Heritage. It is now a grade I listed building.