Oakwood New Mill is located in Millbrook, close to Stalybridge, in Greater Manchester.
During the Industrial Revolution, Millbrook and Stalybridge became one of the first centres for textile manufacture. In 1776 the first water powered mill was built to spin cotton but in 1789 it was converted to use the Arkwright water frame. By 1793 steam power was introduced. The Luddites caused serious disruption in 1811-12 but this did little to stop the mechanization of the industry.
Oakwood New Mill was built in 1851 in Millbrook for the Staley Mill Company. The original beam engine was replaced by a Yates and Thom triple expansion engine in 1908. The engine house, now ruined, was tiled with white glazed bricks.
The Mill closed in 1961, although it was used for a while, bleaching and dyeing textiles.